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6A Unit 1 Public signs教学过程记录

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6A Unit 1 Public signs教学过程记录


6A Unit 1 Public signs教学过程记录

step 1:
1. let a pupil act a little teacher.
2. listen to a song“the signs in the park”.
(设计意图: 在上课伊始,与学生听一首与教学内容有关的歌曲,既调动了情绪,又唤醒记忆。同时,让“小老师”把以前学过的知识进行复习,使学生快速进入英语学习的氛围,同时为下一步教学做铺垫.)
step 2:
1. 教学no smoking.句型what does it mean?
(1)t: look,(师边指边问) what does it mean? (出示标志)
tea jeans peach mean
toe home cold smoke
引导学生用:it means---或it means we/you should/shouldn’t---来回答。
(设计意图: 先让学生读一读、想一想,在此基础上进行比较、发现、归纳,必要时还可给学生讨论的机会,以此唤起学生的主体意识,从而让他们自己获得知识、技能和方法。)
(2)通过guessing game来练习it means we/you should/shouldn’t ---
a: 教师画图“o”
问:what does this picture mean?
学生回答,如:it means the sun/the moon/a plate an orange/an eye/a tape---
b: 教师做停的动作问:what does this gesture mean?
学生回答:“it means stopping”。we shouldn’t do anything。c: 教师做表示安静的动作问:“what does it mean”?
教师引导学生用多种方式回答:“it means“be quiet”.it means you can’t speak loudly. it means we shouldn’t make noise. it means we should keep quiet.
2. 教学be quiet
由上面的guessing game来引出be quiet,指出相当于keep quiet.

操练句型: what does it mean?
it means ---
3. 出示其余标志,学生自学并讨论它的意思。
signs what does it mean?
no littering it means we shouldn’t litter.
no parking it means we shouldn’t park.
do not touch it means you shouldn’t touch.
no eating or drinking it means you shouldn’t eat or drink.
no smoking it means “no smoking”
keep off the grass it means we shouldn’t walk on the grass.
danger it means you must stay away from the building.
be quiet it means we shouldn’t make noise
no smoking no littering
no parking no eating or drinking
danger! do not touch
be quiet keep off the grass
ask and answer:
what does it/ this sign/ that sign mean?
it means ---
it means you/ we should/ shouldn’t ---
(设计意图: 用游戏的性质去复习巩固8个公共标志,学生有点耳目一新的感觉,也激发了学生的思维,他们那根想学、乐学、愿学的神经也兴奋起来了,唯恐自己比别人落后.)



6A Unit 1 Public signs教学过程记录
