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PEP Book 5 Unit 6 In A Nature Park 教学过程记录

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PEP Book 5 Unit 6 In A Nature Park 教学过程记录


PEP Book 5 Unit 6 In A Nature Park 教学过程记录

step 1:greeting and lead-in
t: good morning, boys and girls. what day is it today? wow! is it a fine day? oh! look at me! i’m going to the nature. do you like nature park? (通过对话,训练学生交际能力,引起学生兴趣。)
step 2: revision and warm up
game: describe the pictures.(每组一个同学起来,通过课件控制在规定的15秒时间内,说自己在图片中看到了什么,看哪一组能说得最多。本游戏玩起来竞争气氛特别浓厚。学生运用已经学过的知识描述所看到的内容,机械复习句型,同时为新课热身。)
t: oh! this is a nature park. there is a river in the nature park. what else can you see in the nature park? (老师做疑问的表情,手指图片帮助学生理解。)
s1: there is ……
s2:there is……
step 3: presentation
1.listen and answer. (新课整体呈现)
t: is there a nature park in the city? is there a river in the park?……(课件呈现)
ss: yes./no.
2.listen and exercise. (听、说的训练后可以进行阅读和简单的输出。)
listen and exercise.
1) there is a mountain in the city. yes. there is.( ) no. there isn’t. ( )
2) is there a nature park in the city? yes. there is. ( ) no. there isn’t.( )
3) is there a farm in the nature park? ( )
a. yes. b. no. c. no. there isn’t.
step 4: practice
1. look and find. (情景设计:the nature park很漂亮,但是我们的好朋友little duck在里面迷路,找不到家了,你们能帮他找到家吗?)
t(扮演小鸭子): i’m lost. can you help me?
课件呈现两幅相似的图片,先听一遍little duck的描述,再进行学生与little duck之间的问答,选出正确的图片。
2.game: can you remember. (为了训练小鸭子和同学们的记忆力,看谁能记得最清楚。每幅图片只允许看5秒钟,哪一组能讲的最多就能获得“最佳记忆大王”称号。)
3.game: passing game. (游戏激趣,学生在参与游戏中积极使用目标语言,不能完整回答的不能加分。)
s1: 音乐停时从盒子里抽出一幅图片。
ss:is that a nature park? is there a …… in the park.
is that a farm? is there a ……in the farm?
s1: yes. there is./ no, there isn’t.
4.role play. (学生对已经充分操练的教学内容进行表演,可以表演课文内容,也可以表演小鸭子的故事。学生进行自评和互评。)
step 5: production
1. let’s go to the nature park. (设计情景:我们明天要去长安公园玩,我准备带上我的书包去。我的书包里有好多东西哦。本设计激励学生运用目标语言完成语言任务,同时进行拓展,使用以前学过的事物,衣物等等单词。)
t: is there a ……in the schoolbag? let’s check. oh! yes! there is a …… in the schoolbag.
s1: is there a ……in the schoolbag?


PEP Book 5 Unit 6 In A Nature Park 教学过程记录
