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bedroom ( bathroom  kitchen). you can go there and here. the supermarket is
beside you. you can get there and buy something you need. 3.幼儿分组操作,教师巡回指导. you
do it! it’s up to you! 4. 引导幼儿把图纸讲述给客人老师听. say something about your picture to
our guests. 5.  听音乐安静入座. 三.通过竞赛的形式进一步复习巩固介词的用法及句型i need…  i put it… 任意选1-2组讲述.
come on! let’s have a race. tell us something about your picture. (we need… …i
put it… …) 四.结束活动 1.鞭炮起,教师发糖 welcome to my new house 2.song:<happy home> 出教室. 


幼儿园大班英语教案:she is my mother
she is my mother.
              total: 3      lesson: 2
teaching purpose:  use pronouns to identify people.
                 ask a ‘who’ question
                 use adj to describe people.
teaching difficulties: handsome, pretty, smart, naughty
                 who is this? it is me.
                 who is he? he is my father.
he is handsome.
i love my father.
teaching procedures:
a: revision
1. singing: hello, how are you?
         i like coffee
         teddy bear
2. a chant: grandfather, grandfather, old,
         grandmother, grandmother, healthy,
         father, father, handsome,
         mother, mother, pretty,
         uncle, uncle, fat,
         auntie, auntie, slim,
         sister, sister, smart,
         brother, brother, naughty,
         i am lovely.
3.tony’s family picture: who is he? he is my father.
a.     the teacher asks and the students answer.
b.     boys ask and girls answer.
c.     girls ask and boys answer.
4.singing: who is he?
b: presentation
1.    a picture of myself:



