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PEP小学英语第七册Unit 4 I Have a Pen Part A Let’s learn

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PEP小学英语第七册Unit 4 I Have a Pen Part A Let’s learn


PEP小学英语第七册Unit 4 I Have a Pen Part A Let’s learn

    本教材是人教版(pep)小学英语第七册第四单元第一课时。主要内容是讲述某人的业余爱好的英语表达和一般现在时的简单用法。本课的主要重点是掌握五个短语及动词-ing形式:“dive-diving, ride-riding, make-making, collect-collecting, play-playing.”重点句型:“what’s your hobby? i like diving.”根据此目标和重点、难点,我采用了故事教学法,利用多媒体教学(包括课件、投影仪等),具有创新性和趣味性。通过真实情景中体验语言”的教学思路,完成教学目的。
    本课件采用authorware6.0 制作,应用框架结构,模块化设计。从故事引入到词 组学习、练习、chant, song等自然过渡,层次清楚。课件界面上有交互图标,使用程中可以随时调整教学步骤。
三、teaching content:
    words: diving, making kites, collecting stamps, riding a bike.
    sentences: what’s your hobby? i like diving.
四、teaching procedure
    1.daily greeting.
    2.sing a song: if you are happy
   today some new friends come to our school, could you welcome them? please turn back and say, “welcome to our school.” turn back. let’s sing a song to welcome them. ok?
   you sang the song very well. children, i have many stickers, do you want to them? if you want, please you say more sentences. now start from me: i like collecting leaves. (the ss must say two, three, four…. etc.)
   (1).make a survey
  (1) t: please you look at my form, these are the activities of our school, and you usually join the group according to your hobbies. (teach “hobby”) look, i like playing basketball, what is your hobby? (practice with five pupils.) then today we will learn unit4 lesson 1.
  (2)t: very good, please open your book, p48. there is a survey, first you should tick your hobby, and then ask your partners “ what is your hobby?” got it? (check four ss)
   (设计理念:   语言来源于真实生活,我利用学校第二课堂报名表,学生自然明白“hobby” and “what’s your hobby?”,可谓引入自然,水到成。)
   (2) a story
    t: i like telling story. do you like it?
    present the story by cai. 森林杂技团要招聘演员,很多小动物都争先恐后去应聘。在这个故事中,不断地重复“what’s your hobby?” and “ i like ...”


PEP小学英语第七册Unit 4 I Have a Pen Part A Let’s learn
