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unit 1  will people have robots?
ⅰ、useful expressions:
1. study at home on computers 在家通过电脑学习
2. in the future 将来
3. live to be 200 years old 活到200 岁
4. in 100 years 一百年之后
5. a piece of paper 一张纸
6. more/few trees 更多/更少的树
7. more/less pollution 更多/更少的污染
8. space station 太空站
9. agree with sb. 同意某人的意见
10. talk to/with sb. 与…谈话
11. fall in love with… 爱上……
12. live alone 独自居住
13. go skating 去滑冰
14. be able to do sth. 能够做某事
15. go to hong kong on vacation 去香港度假
16. one day 有朝一日
17. world cup 世界杯
18. come true 实现
19. in space 在太空
1. do you think there will be robots in people’s homes?
2. will kids go to school? 孩子们会去上学吗?
3. there will only be one country. 将只有一个国家?
4. people will live to be 200 years old. 人们将活到二百岁。
5. will people use money in 100 years? 一百年后人们还用前钱吗?
6. there will be more/fewer people. 人们将会更多/更少。
7. there will be less free time. 闲暇时间会更少。
8. what do you think sally will be in five years?
9. i’ll live in shanghai, because i went to shanghai last year and fell in love with it.
10. one day i might even visit australia.
11. what will teenagers do for fun twenty years from now?

unit 2  what should i do?
ⅰ、useful expressions:
1. keep out 不让......进入
2. argue with ... 和……争吵      
3. out of style 过时     
4. in style 流行的
5. call sb. up = call sb. 给某人打电话
6. talk on the phone 用电话交谈 
7. a ticket to a ball game 一场球赛的票
8. pay for 付款
9. find out 查明……     
10. be surprised at sth./doing sth. 对……感到惊讶
11. get a part time job 找到一份兼职工作  
12. borrow sth. from … 从……借到……
13. lend sth. to sb. 把……借给……   
14. ask sb. for sth. 向某人请求
15. buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth 为某人买……
16. the same as 与......同样的
17. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事
18. get on well with sb. 和某人相处得好
19. have a fight with sb. 与某人打架
1. what should i do? 我应该做什么?
2. you could borrow some money from your brother.
3. i think you should ask your parents for some money.
4. he could get a tutor to come to his home.



