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外研版初一下册 Module 7 Unit 2教学设计

module 7 planes, boats and trains
unit 2 it’s the fastest train.
课型:   reading and writing
to transfer information from a table to sentences and to give results with “so”
to get information from the reading material about traveling times
to be able to match headings with paragraphs
key vocabulary:   airport, bus stop, ferry terminal, station, distance, fare, international, journey, passenger, travel
key structures:   it goes from shanghai station to the pudong airport in eight minutes.
              the same journey takes about 30 minutes by car.

 (1). get information about the different transport.
(2). improve the students’ reading ability to understand the passage.
moral education:
we should know about the different traveling and transport.
教学方法:pwp  communicative
教学用具:multi-media (or tape recorder, ohp)
1.warming-up:t:boys and girls,spring is here now.do you like travelling?
           t:where do you like to go?/why?
           ss:i like to go to ---./because---.
           t:how do you like to travel?
           ss:i like to travel by bus / car/ferry/plane/subway---.
2.look at these pictures.what can you see in the pictures?where do they stop?or where does it stop?
plane. airport.  bus. bus stop.---
then let the students describe the pictures with some adjectives.
questions:1)which way is the fastest one of the four?
2)which way is the most comfortable of the four?
3.listen to the recorder and answer the teacher’s two questions.
1).how many travelling ways can you hear according to the text?.
2.)what are they?
4.open the books at page 46 .practise reading the text silently and match the paragraphs with the headings.
5. practise reading the passage loudly with six questions ,then ask the students to read the paragraphs in pairs or in groups or in teams or the whole class and choose t or f according to the text.
1)a taxi from shanghai to the airport is cheaper than the train for two people.



