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Unit3 a taste of English humour 单词学案

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Unit3 a taste of English humour 单词学案


Unit3 a taste of English humour 单词学案

学习目标:1、掌握单词的拼写形式。          2、掌握重点单词的用法并能自我造句。重点:    掌握单词的用法难点:    重要词组与单词的掌握1、              content  adj. 满足的;n . 内容;目录 vt. 使满足be content with sth = be satisfied with 对……满意/ 满足be content to do sth = be willing to do 乐意做干某事老板对他的工作很满意。他很满意和她一起生活。买书之前看一看目录。_________________________ before you buy a book.2、              astonish vt. 使惊讶,使震惊扩展应用:be astonished at / by 对……感到惊讶          astonished adj. (人) 惊讶的     astonishing adj. 令人惊讶的          astonishment n  to one’s astonishment 令人感到惊讶的是eg: looking at her ________ looks, we were confused.   they looked at each other , ____________   to everyone’s ____________, he has won the game.   我对他的死讯感到很震惊。3、              badly off  adj 贫穷的,缺少的。一般用法:be badly off because he was out of work , he was quite _______________. (因为失业,他经济上很拮据) 扩展应用: be badly off for 缺少什么            比较级be worse offthey are not badly off for money now; ______________________________( 而是缺少关爱)反义词: well off  adj 富有的,生活好的, 处境好的 比较级 be better offeg: after 20 years of opening to the outside , the chinese people are _________________ than before. (经过20年的对外开放, 中国人的日子比以前好多了)4、              pick out  vt 挑出; 辨别出it’s not very difficult to _____________ an old friend from a crowd.       (从人群中认出自己的老朋友并不是很困难)a competition was held to _______________ the best table tennis player. (选拔)归纳拓展:pick up 拾起、接人、偶然学会pick off 摘去;逐个毁掉he picked _______ some english when he was in america.5、              cut off 切断;断绝归纳拓展:cut in 插嘴  cut up 切碎  cut out 切掉、省掉



Unit3 a taste of English humour 单词学案
