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人教修订版高三上Unit 1 That must be a record Listening教案

人教修订版高三上unit 1 that must be a record listening教案
1. teaching aims:
to train the students’ listening ability
to improve the students’ listening skills
2. teaching importance:
to train the students’ability of identifying key information of the listening texts.
3. teaching difficulties:
 to train the students’ ability of getting/extracting the specific  information
4. teaching preparations:
a computer, a tape-recorder, exercise paper, etc.
5. teaching procedures:
step1 listening exercise one
1, ask the students to read the questions and predict the answers.
2, ask the students to listen and tick the best answers.
3, check the answers.
step2 listening exercise two
to get the students to have a discussion
ask the students to fill in the tables
check the answers
step3 listening exercise three
warming up questions
ask the students fill in the table

check the answers
step4 self-assessment
step5 listening exercise four(if time permits)
 1 read the multiple choice questions and underline the key words before listening
 2 listen and make the best choice
 3 check the answers

an outline for the teaching lesson
step1: to begin the class(music meanwhile)
1, greetings:
good afternoon, everybody! this afternoon, we’re going to do some listening practice here.
(look! there are so many teachers, leaders as well as experts coming here to instruct us. let’s give them a warm welcome and thanks for their coming.)
2, (present the pictures)
what can you see in the pictures? ------honey bees/ beehive/ honeycomb/ honey
now please turn to pages249-250, read through the questions and think about    (present the questions)---for part one
what do you think you will hear?
why bee-keepers used to kill bees? that implies  what has changed?
 part two
do you like traveling?  have you ever been to poyang lake?  where is poyang lake?
what’s it famous for?----white cranes/fresh water…(famous/beautiful/rare/one of the most endangered…)  / (china’s biggest fresh water lake)
3, giving tips (on the show)
step2  begin listening one: (once, 4:06 minutes)
now let’s listen to the two dialogues and do multiple choices on pages249-250. if possible, i’ll play the dialogues only once. ok? try your best.  ( play the mp3)---first, dialogue one!
5, now i’d like to see how well have you done. if you have finished choosing all the answers, please hands up.



