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[6]       何克抗. 建构主义——革新传统教学的理论基础. 电化教育研究. 1997.(3)、(4)、(5).

[7]       高文.建构主义与教学设计. 外国教育资料. 1998.(1).

[8]       罗伯特·加涅主编. 张杰夫等译. 教育技术基础. 教育科学出版社,1992.

[9]       杨开诚. 网络时代的教学设计理论应关注的几个问题. 2001年教育技术论坛论文集.

[10]    张文兰,李文光. 对我国教学设计理论与实践的思考. 2001年教育技术论坛论文集.


instructional design is a very important specialism required theoretical course in the undergraduate speciality of educational technology it is rather difficult for students to understand the theory of instruction design, and their enthusiasm is not high enough be cause they have little teaching experience. in order to change the condition that students passively require knowledge the author pays  good  attention to the whole design in this curriculum: first giving examples then theory studying, practical activities and learning appraisal; the reform several aspects of teaching form ,method , the way of taking information on and program . after the reform of teaching design curriculum teaching the notable characteristics are as follows : the students have teaching experiences and deeply understand the theory of teaching design from practical activities, the students convert their experiment activities into production ,which makes study appraisal more concrete , students  also train their ability and have fun in their study .

key words :  experience  theory  practice  appraised  appraisal





