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2019届高二英语下学期期末复习(必修8 Unit 2)

XX届高二英语下学期期末复习(必修8 unit 2)
                i. 单词拼写:
1. the brothers d_____________ widely in their tastes.
2. the question is quite s______________ , while that one is much more complicated.
3. she r_____________ from the competition after pulling a leg muscle.
4. smoking is f_____________ in public places.
5. his suggestion sounds quite r______________ to most of us.
6. the film was a _______________ (商业的) success.
7. i'd like to come, too, if you have no ____________(反对).
8. he ____________ (仅仅)asked us our names.
9. there were strong _______________ (争论) for and against the plan.
10. he always managed to ______________(得到)what he wanted.
ii. 单项填空   
1. they have no idea at all ________.
   a. where he has gone       b. where did he go
   c. which place has he gone      d. where has he gone
2. your composition is _________to your brother's.
   a. the same         b. identical           c. different      d. equal
3. _______news came ________an unknown disease was spreading in the area .
   a. disturbing ; that        b. disturbed ; which 
   c. disturbing ; which      d. disturbed ; what
4. he was _________down for several days after he heard the bad news .
   a. broken            b. cast           c. cut           d. discouraged
5. ______ what we have now, we can't afford so large a house.
   a. in       b. at      c. with    d. near
6. opening the book, she found in it a white, plain envelope with her name ______ on it.
   a. to print     b. printed       c. printing    d. print
7. seeing your picture, i couldn't resist _______ the days _______ we spent together.
   a. to think of; when      b. to think of; which 
   c. thinking of; which     d. thinking of; when



