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必修1 Unit 1 Friendship词汇解析辅导

1. ignore v.
a)   take no notice of   (sb./sth.)   
 even the best of men ignored that simple rule.
b)   refuse to greet or acknowledge sb. on purpose
 i said hello to her, but she ignored me completely!

2. cheat v.
a)   act in a way that is not honest or fair in order to win something or to get something
he accused her of cheating at cards.
b)   trick or deceive  
he tried to cheat the taxman but failed.
* cheat at sth.
cheat on sb.
cheat sb. (out) of sth.: prevent sb. from having sth. esp. in an unfair or a dishonest way 
he was cheated out of his rightful inheritance. n.
a)   person who cheats, esp. in a game  
b)   dishonest trick  

3. dare vt. & modal v.
a)   to be brave enough to do something
i didn't dare tell dad that i failed in the physics exam.
b)   how dare you, he, she, etc (used to express anger about sb.)   
how dare you suggest that i cheat in the exams!

4.  advice   n. [ u]  suggestions given about what to do or how to behave  
there's a booklet giving advice on how to set up your own business.
if you take my advice, you'll see a doctor.
* a piece of advice
a word of advice

5. situation n.
a)   the set of things that are happening at a certain time and place  
 i found myself in an embarrassing situation.
b)   position of a town, building, etc
the park's situation is perfect.
•  save the situation

6. communicate v.
a)   to make (news, opinions etc) known by speaking, writing, moving your body, or using other signals
we can now communicate instantly with people on the other side of the world.
b)  to talk about your thoughts and feelings, and help other people to understand them
sometimes young people find it difficult to communicate with their parents.
 communicate with sb./sth.

7. trust
a)   n.   [u]  belief that one can rely on the goodness, strength, ability, etc of sb./sth.
a good marriage is based on trust.
b)   v. to believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you  
my sister is a person who trusts the others easily.
•  trust in sb./sth.  
 trust to sth.  

8.  habit n. something that you do often, almost without thinking about it
he's just eating out of habit,  -----he's not really hungry.
it is all right to borrow money occasionally, but don't let it become a habit.



