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Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?

unit 7 where would you like to visit?
part 1: teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)
structures: would and hope to for expressing desires
target language: where would you like to go on vacation?
i’d love to visit mexico.
i hope to go to france some day.  
vocabulary: jungle, thrilling, fascinating, take it easy, tiring, educational, trek, touristy, pack, light, heavy, provide, offer
learning strategies: classifying, role playing
section a
to learn to use would and hope to for expressing desiresto listen, speak and read about traveling
warming up by learning would and hope to for expressing desires
hello, morning. let’s first look at the sentences in the chat below:
where would you like to visit? i’d like to go somewhere relaxing.
 i hope to go to france some day.
 i’d love to visit mexico.
in the sentences would, hope to, ‘d like to and ‘d love to are used for expressing desires.
1a writing and describing
on page 52 is a picture about the planning of vocation. pick the proper adjectives on top left of page 52 to describe vacation 1 and vacation 2.
more adjectives to be chosen from:
bad beautiful quiet testy long quick tricky tough bright magnificent
crazy mighty dizzy wasteful dull new wonderful nice sad nosy funny
great nutritious short silly gigantic ordinary strange pretty happy prickly horrible
1b listening and filling
where would sam and gina like to go on vacation?
you are to listen and fill in the chart on page 52.
boy: look at those travel posters. i’d love to go on a vacation.
girl: where would you like to go, sam?
boy: i’d love to go trekking in the amazon jungle in brazil.
girl: you would?
boy: sure. i like exciting vacations.
girl: wouldn’t that be dangerous?
boy: no, not really. how about you, gina? where would you like to go?
girl: oh, i’m stressed out. i’d just like to relax on a beach… you know, a beautiful beach in florida.
boy: that sounds peaceful.
person places why
sam brazil likes exciting vacations
gina florida likes to relax on a beach
now you are going to read the listening script. underline the phrases and circle would, hope to, ‘d like to and ‘d love to are used for expressing desires.
1c doing pairwork
you are going to practice conversations with your partner according to the vacation posters in 1a.
boy: do you see those travel posters over there. let’s go over and have a look.
girl: i’d love to go on a vacation. where would you like to go, li haifeng?
boy: i’d love to go hunting in panquangou jungle in shanxi.



