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5A Unit 9 Shapes

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5A Unit 9 Shapes


5A Unit 9 Shapes

1、能四会掌握单词a square, a star, a heart, a shape, a circle, the sun。
2、能四会掌握句型what shape is the …? it’s a/an … show us how to …
3、能三会掌握日常交际用语come to the blackboard and show us how to do it.
4、能诵读歌谣twinkle, twinkle, little star。
tape, computer, 写有单词的各种形状卡片,学生事先准备好各种自己喜欢的东西,画有物品的作业纸,实物投影。
         unit 9 shapes
what shape is the …? it’s a/an …
show us how to draw …  
 1、 draw the pictures, introduce their favorite things
2、 copy the new words and the sentences, make the dialogues
step 1
1、 free talk: good morning, boys and girls.
                       glad to see you!  how are you!
                       do you like pictures? do you like drawing pictures?
2、t :look , i have draw a picture. is it nice?
there are many shapes in the picture. (板书:shape) 教学
the shapes are very useful in our life. now, let’s learn some shapes together. then we can use them make nice pictures
step 2.presentation:
a circle:
1、 指图上太阳提问:t:look, what’s this? 教学单词sun: the sun
2、 what shape is the sun? (完成板书:what shape is the …? )
it’s a circle.(完成板书:it’s a 贴出单词图形卡片)
3、 读circle, circle, orange circle
4、 read(开火车读),spell
5、 课件出示:(先出现图片和句型,师问生答,答对后显示单词,生齐问指名答,开火车问答)
what shape is the …? it’s a ….
pictures: (a watermelon, a football, a clock)
an oval:
1、课件: a circle clock 变成 an oval clock 问:now, what shape is this clock? it’s an oval.
2、读oval, oval, brown oval
what shape is the …? it’s an ….
pictures: (a plate, a mask, an egg)
4、who can draw an egg? come to the blackboard and show us how to draw it.
出示纸条:show us how to …
ss:please, show us how to draw an egg.
请画的同学问:what shape is the egg? it’s an …
[奖一个star]读 a star
a heart:
1、课件出示: a heart 问:guess! what shape is it? it’s a heart.
出示: heart
(贴出卡片) 读heart, heart , red heart 后read(开火车读),spell
2、show me your hands. who can make a heart use your hands? show us how to make it.



5A Unit 9 Shapes
