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二、listen and choose(听音选择与听到的内容相符的图片,并将序号填在括号里)
1. circle letters stuvw.
2. where is my bike?---it’s here.
3.i like peaches..
4.show me your book.
5.this is a jeep.
6.where is my car ?—it’s on the chair.
三、listen and number(听音编序号abcdef)
1.the ball is under the chair.
2. where is my schoolbag?—it’s on the desk.
3. where is my car?—it’s in the box.
4. the car is on the book.
5. where is my bus?—it’s in your schoolbag.
6 the kite is under the tree.
四、listen and circle(听音,圈出与听到内容相符的图片)
1. eraser,eraser,this is my easer.             2.desk,desk,the desk is new.
3. sharpener,sharpener,the sharpener is sharp.  4.lamp,lamp,the lamp is light.
5. book,book,i have many books.            6.walman,walkman,it’s my friend.
unit 6 at the zoo
一、listen and tick or cross(听音判断正(√)误(×))
1.the bike is big,the bus is big,too.
2.the watermelon is big,the car is small.
3.  number 1 is short, number 7 is long.
4.the pen is long,the crayon is short.
二、llisten and choose
1.it has a long nose.
2.it has short ears.
3.she has small eyes.
4.the bike is big.
1.short    2.small    3.tall    4.rabbit    5.elephant
三、listen and match(听音连线)
prc,prc,i’m chen jie. i’m from china.
usa,usa.i’ m john.i’m from america.
uk,uk, i’m mike, i’m from the united kingdom.
can,can, i’m i’m amy, i’m the canada.
四、listen and circle(听句子,圈出图片中的正确部位)
1.the giraffe is tall.
2.bai ling’s ruler is long.
3.the elephant is so big.
4.the monkey has a long tail.

recycle 2
一、 listen and choose
1. how many apples can you see?----1,2,3,…12.12 apples.
2. how amny oranges can you see?---1,2,3, …15.15oranges.
3. how amny grapes can you see?--- 1,2,3, …20.20 grapes.
4. how amny peaches can you see?--- 1,2,3, …14.14 peaches.
5. how amny bananas can you see?--- 1,2,3, …18.18 bananas.
6. how amny pears can you see?--- 1,2,3, …19.19 pears.
1.look,the small car is in my pencil-case.
2.wow,my plane is under the chair.
3.this is a toy bike.
4.do you like oranges?—yes, i do.
5.do you like watermelon?—yes, i do.
三、listen and circle(听音,圈出听到的字母串或单词)
1. cba   2.dvd    3.can   4.pdt   5. bell   6.duck  7.cctv   8.apple



