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四、listen and number(听音给图片标序号)
1. how many books do you have?—1,2,3…i have 17.
2. my ruler is long,your ruler is short.
3. this is my friend,john.----nice to meet you.
4. abcde,come and follow me.
五、listen and tick or cross(听音判断正误(√)(×))
1. john likes grapes and bananas.
2. chen jie likes oranges and peaches.
3. who’s this old man?----he’s my grandpa.
4.  my father is tall.i’m short.

unit 1  our school
一、listen and choose(听音,选词填空)
zip:  this is my classroom.open the door and see.look!a big board,four fans,six lights,eight windows and many

desks and chairs.
monkey:that is your classroom.what’s in it?
rabbit:let’s go and have a look.
1.where is the canteen?—it’s on the second floor.
2.is this your skirt? –no,it isn’t.it’s john’s.
3.what time is it ?—it’s 8 o’clock.
4.what colour is it?—it’s white.
5.what’s the weather like in xiangfan today?—it’s warm today.
三、listen and tick or cross(听音判断正误,正确的画“√”错误的画“×”)
1.go to the playground,play football.
2.go to the library.read a story book.
3.go to the canteen.eat some noodles.
4.go to the teacher’s office.hand in the homework.
5.go to the garden.water the flowers.
四、listen and choose(听音,选择听到的内容)
1.art room  2.gym  3.music room  4.garden    5.teacher’s desk    
unit 2    what time is it?
一、listen and choose(听音选单词或词组,把单词的序号填写在题前的括号里)
1.i have lunch at 12.
2.i like music class.
3.this clock is white.
4.we have english class on monday.
5.it’s 10 o’clock.
6.what time is it?
7.i go to bed at 9 o’clock.
8.i have breakfast at 7 o’clock.
9.i go home at six.
10.i have chinese and math on the wednesday.
二、listen and tick or cross(听音,判断正 “√”误“×”)
1. it’s time for p.e.class.
2. it’s 4:30 o’clock.it’s time to go home.
3. it’s 8:00o’clock.it’s time for dinner.
4. it’s time for breakfast.
5. it’s time for english class.
6.  it’s time for lunch.
三、listen and choose(听音,选择正确的答语)
1. what time is it?—it’s 3:00 o’clock.
2. what time is it? —it’s 6:40.it’s time for dinner.
3. what time is it? —it’s 9:30.it’s time to go to bed.
4. what time is it? —it’s 9:05.
四、listen and match(听音连线)
1. what time is it?—it’s 7:00o’clock.it’s time for breakfast.
2. what time is it?—it’s 8:00 o’clock.it’s time for english class.



