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人教版课程标准实验教材(英语 选修7第4单元)Sharing知识讲解

the question is whether he can come on time.  the question whether it is right or wrong depends on situation
(3)     作介词宾语时。 i haven’t settled the question of whether i’ll go back home.
(4)     与不定式连用时。 she hasn’t decided whether to go or not
(5)     作discuss 等词的宾语时 we discussed whether we should close the shop.
  we haven’t settled the problem __ it is necessary for him to study abroad.  a if b where c whether d that
6 call 组成的词组: call sb up 打电话,征召(服役), call sth up 使回忆起,使想起 call on sb 拜访某人 call at 停泊,停靠(某地) call on 号召 call for 需要,要求 call for sb 去接… call sb in 召来,叫来(服务) to call in a doctor/the police 请医生/叫警察 call sth in 下令收回,要求退回 call back 回电话,召唤某人回来
7 hear from “收到…的来信” 后接的宾语是(发信)人。  i heard from my sister in new york yesterday.
  hear of/ hear about… 听说 …  hear sb do sth 听见某人做过某事  hear sb doing sth 听见某人正在做某事
类似用法: write to sb 或write sb a letter 或write a letter to sb 给某人写信(收信人)don’t forget to write to me.
  how often do you hear__ your mother? –once a month. i’m expecting her letter every day.   a of b about c from d/
8 be dying to do = be eager to do极想/渴望 /迫切想要做   be dying for sth = be eager for sth 迫切想要某物
  look forward to sth或look forward to doing sth 盼望/期待(做) 某事      die wish 遗言/瞩
i’m dying for something to eat.   she is dying to know where you’ve been.
  相关短语: die for 为…而死 die away(声音等)逐渐消失 the sound of their laughter died away.
  die down(火焰等) 逐渐减弱 the flames finally died down. 火焰越来越小,最后熄灭了。
  die off相继死去  die out 灭绝,绝种  this species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed.
  die of 因…而死(原因多来自内部,如情感、饥饿、寒冷、疾病等) the old man died of cancer.
  die from 由于…而死 (原因常来自外部) he died from a wound . 他受伤而死。
  death (n) 死,死亡  dead (adj) 死的,无生命的 
           adj 致命的,致死的, a deadly weapon/disease  deadly poison 剧毒 
           adj 极度的,彻底的 we sat in deadly silence.
deadly    adj 枯燥的,令人厌烦的  the lecture was absolutely deadly. 这演讲简直无聊透了。


