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人教版课程标准实验教材(英语 选修7第4单元)Sharing知识讲解

  a have been , left  b had been , left  c am, had left  d come , had left
21 income ( n) “收入,所得,收益” 当收入讲时,不用much 或little 修饰,而用large或low 。 与price 相似。
  fixed income 固定收入 a large income 高收入 a low income 低收入 a monthly income 月收入
22 (1)  dry ( vi & vt ) 易干,晒干,擦干
wet clothes dry easily in the sun.  she dried her hair with towels.     he dried his clothes in the sun .
  (2) dry out (使)变干,干透hot sun and cold winds can soon dry out your skin.  (in a way that is not wanted)
  (3) dry up (河流,湖泊等)干涸 during the drought the river dried up.
(4) dry off (使) 变干,弄干 we went swimming then lay in the sun to dry off. 我们去游了泳,然后就躺在太阳下晒干。
  we dried our boots off by the fire.
23“ get to + 动词” 结构中的动词多为表示意识、心理、情绪等变化的词,表示一个渐进的过程。如get to know,
get to realize, get to understand 等。此外,get 后也可加上形容词、现在分词、过去分词、介词短语等。
the foood’s getting cold. 菜凉了。  they’ve just got married. 
when you get to know him, you’ll find he’s quite different from how you imagined.
25 upside down 颠倒地, 乱七八糟地,杂乱地,翻过来地 inside out 里面朝外
the boy pretended he could read, but he was holding the book upside down.
  everything in the room was turned upside down.  the picture was hung upside down.
  he wore the sweater __.  a inside out  b upside down  c out  d outside
24 (1)  fantastic 荒诞的,奇异的, fantastic dreams/stories 荒诞的梦/故事
(2) adj (口语) 了不起的,极好的  she’s a fantastic swimmer . you passed your test. ----fantastic. 好极了/太棒了!
(3) 不切实际的 fantastic plans/proposals 不切实际的计划/建议
25                (1) ing “主动,正在进行”she ran and ran with beads of sweat of sweat running down her face. 
with the guide leading us we finally found the village .
                  (2) 过去分词“被动,完成”   she was thinking for a while with her eyes shut.     
                                             the murderer was brought in with his hands tied behind (his back).


