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小班儿歌: Watermelon mango

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小班儿歌: Watermelon mango


小班儿歌: Watermelon mango



 old words: apple pear banana

 new words: watermelon

 sentences: what’s this ? it’s ……


1.    to speak. what’s this? it’s ……

2.    to listen and say the new wordls

3.   to improve the abitity of observing.

ⅲaids: some fruit cards.



 t: hello,boys and girls? good morning! how are you today? one,two,three,look at me! now let’s sing the “good moning” song.good morning good morning to you to you and to you .(两只老虎的歌的调子)good morning good morning to you and to you.(重复两遍)


 t: stand up and follow me!

   walking walking walking walking. hop hop, hop hop hop.running running running running running running. now let’s stop!(重复两遍)

 3.introducing new


t: today. there are two fruits come to play with children.do you like to est fruits?

c: yes! i do.

t:第一种水果宝宝说:你们在夏天的时候才看见我,我长得圆圆胖胖的,when you see .i’m green.when you eat to me ,里面的肉是red(红色的,吐出来是黑以的种子。第一种水果宝宝出来了,i’m coming,oh!yes, watermelon watermelon watermelon(不同声调).say hello to her. hello watermelon,hello watermelon……(让小朋友跟卡片打招呼)

t: watermelon say: do you like to eat watermelon

c:yes.i do.


  t:第二种水果宝宝已经等不及了,它是这样介绍自己的外皮是orange.肉is orange.it smell is good. thd children,like to eat it very much.hello,i’m coming.当!当!当!oh.you are mango mango mango mango(不同声调,出示时一闪而过)

小朋友:我们一起来跟mango打招呼,hello mango……

(3)watermelon and mango

 t: who’s mango?hello,mango.(请个别上来指出)

 t:who’s missing?


 t: watermelon,watermelon com here. i love you.

 t: ok,today,two fruits are coming.you can see watermelon and mango.

 t: what’s this?(复习问两三遍并让幼儿触卡片)

 c: it’s ……

4.anding activity.

(1)t:watermelon and mango要和小朋友玩个游戏,它们两要带好多水果过来,请小朋友来看有些什么水果?

tc:apple pear……

t:小朋友看到了某种水果要大声说出来,are you realy?

c:yes,i’m realy.


 rickety  dickety   look at me   what can you see?(玩四五次)

t: ok.watermelon and mango go by at home,say good-bye watermelon and mango.

(1)  sing “good-bye ” song.

t: let’s sing

good-bye to you

good-bye to you

good-bye to you

     see you again

     see you again

     see you again

     next time.



小班儿歌: Watermelon mango
