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总课时数  科目 高三英语
课题名称 module 2 book 5
学习目标:1. 复习并熟练掌握本单元的基础知识及语法
            intellectual, astisfying, offer, respect, direct, qualified, analyst, double, in theory, pass by, take … for granted, have an effect on , take notice of, in response to..
          2. 通过阅读理解练习,提高学习的阅读理解能力
重点,难点:1. 语法
             一般过去时, 过去进行时,过去完成时
            2. 长句的理解与掌握
            1)the drop is so great that anyone inside the vehicke is lucky to survive.
            2) every morning he climbs up to the bend with large circular board in his hand.
ⅰ. 单词拼写
1. police are advising people to stay at home until weather c____________ improve.
2. he had no previous _________(经验) of managing a farm.
3. this person is a __________(志愿者) , who doesn’t take money for what he has done.
4.  ______(幸运地) for them, he came here in time.
5.  from here, we can see the mountains _____________(升起)steeply above the plain.
6. we can imagine how many people have a close __________(遭遇) with the death in the car accident.
7. the little boy wanted to be a policemean and ________(指挥) traffic.
8. the __________(平均) cost of making a movie has risen by 15%.
9. --- what would you say about the novel?
---- nothing in _________(特别).
10. we shouldn’t take their service for ____________(想当然); we should respect them.
ⅱ. 短语翻译并选择适当的词完成句子:
1 尤其;特别___________ 2. 平均_________ 3. 理论上;从理论上来说_________
4. 实际上   _________ 5. 经过__________   6.以为… 理所当然___________
7. 和…打个照面____________8. 对…产生影响___________9. 适合做_______
10. 站好位置以备____________ 11.申请__________12 注意到_________
13. 作为…的回应____________ 14.谋生 _____________
1). the idea seems good _____________, but some people doubt if it’ll work ___________.
2). don’t ______ it ____________ that you didn’t pass the final examination.
3). many roads are in bad condition, however, one road ________is considered the most dangerous.
4). __________ , there are 30 students in each class.
5). his experiences in america ________________ on his new book.


