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高一必修二:Unit 3 reading 知识点讲解

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高一必修二:Unit 3 reading 知识点讲解


高一必修二:Unit 3 reading 知识点讲解

----- of course i did. as a matter of fact, i had such fun thattime seemed to_____

   so quickly.

a goby     b go away    cgoout     d go over

2. don’t let this chance______. you may not have anotherone.

   a goout    b goby     c goon      d go over

4. as a result i totally changed myshape.

导学: as a result因此,作为结果   as a result of作为---的结果

注意:as aresult后不能与that连用;而with theresult后可与that从句连用

filling in the blanks:

he runs every day.__________, he has lost weight.

she was late _____________ snow.

uncle rose worked day and night__________that he failed inhealth.

uncle rose worked day and night, __________, he failed in health.


my friend martin was very sick with a strange fever,_______, hecould neither eart nor sleep. (江西)

a as aresult    b after all    canyway      d otherwise

totally adv.整个地;完全地     totally blind 全盲

total adj. 完全的;整个的     total silence 寂静无声

in total 总共

5. over time my memory has developed so muchthat, like an elephant, i never forget anything i havebeen told.

复习:so--- that----/ so that------




6 but i was always so lonely standing there by myself,until in early 1960s they gave me a family connected by anetwork.


the experts explored the island until the end of last year.

we didn’t solve the problem until mr. smith helped us.

it was not until last year that my hope became a reality.

not until noon did it stop raining.



1 he is used to______, though he is_____, he isn’t_______ atall

a live alone; alone;lonely      b living alone; alone; lonely

c living lonely; lonely;alone    d live lonely; lonely; alone

2. it ____ we had stayed togher for a couple of weeks_____ ifound we had a lot in common.

a was until; when   b wasuntil; that  c wasn’t until;when    d wasn’tuntil; that

7. anyhow, my goal is to provide humans with a life ofhigh quality. i am now truly filled with happiness that i am adevoted friend and helper of the human race.


anyhow=anyway  adv无论如何,即使如此,反正(位于句首或句末)

somehow= someway  adv 



高一必修二:Unit 3 reading 知识点讲解
