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Lesson 1 Tomorrow’s World

lesson 1 tomorrow’s world
teaching aims:
to use the title of a text to predict the content.
to practise using vocabulary of cyberspace.
to practise using will and going to to talk and write about the future.
teaching difficulties: to revise present simple and present continuous.
teaching aids: computer and cassette
teaching procedures:
ⅰ. warming up
what computers and internet bring us?
convenient, high efficient
compared to 20 years ago how do you think technology will change our lives?
for example:
go shopping on line.
needn’t carry cash and use credit cards.
instead of going to the bank you can use a computer and a telephone to pay for bills.
1. imagine what happens in the next twenty years?
2. is it possible that the computer gives us disaster?
look at the title of the article.
which of these topics do you think it will mention?
* the internet  * artificial human  * time travel * robots  * global warming * virtual reality
read the article quickly and check your guess to question 2 above.
1. with the development of computers, our life may change in shopping and communicating ways
2. the text infers to us that worry is not necessary and computers and the internet only do good to us.
3. some experts say in the future we will not  go to school in the classroom like us.
4. in the future it is possible that people live in another world of outer space.
5. the text tell us you can do many things but needn’t go to the place yourself.
6. because of the rapid development of internet television and the mail will be replaced by computer.
keys:  t  f  t  f  t  t
learning vocabulary
match the vocabulary from the text below with the definitions.
hacker, chaos, terrorist, the net (internet), virtual reality, crash
1. a person who enters other people’s computer programmes in secret
2. the use of computers to make situations feel and look real.
3. have an accident by violently hitting something.
4. some who does terrible things to harm countries, governments and people.
5. computer system that allows millions of people around the world to share information
6. a terrible situation in which everything goes wrong
keys:  1. hacker   2. virtual reality  3. crash   4. terrorist   5. the net (internet)  6. chaos
correct error
1. in the last thirty years, the internet grew rapidly.
2. terrorist may “attack” the world’s computers, cause chaos, make planes and trains crash.
3. it is convenient to order tickets from the internet.



