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1B U8 period 3 Let's act

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1B U8 period 3 Let's act


1B U8 period 3 Let's act

language focus:  using imferatives to give simple instructions.
eg. drink some juice.
listening:  locate specific information in response to insturctions
speaking:  use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners. 
materials:  word and picture cards 1b
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
do you like sweets?
ⅱ.  pre-task preparation
1.  play a game.
picture & word.
match them.
coke, cake, jelly
ice-cream, milk, sweet.
2.  put up the cards on the board.
ask the class to read.
   ⅲ.  while-task procedure
1.  ask one student come to the front.
t:drink some juice.
2.  do the action: drink.
3.  show students some jelly
t:what is it?
   eat some jelly.
t:ask individaal students to taste it.
4.  t:what’s the difference between “drink” “eat”
 (let the students to answer)
5.  show the picture.
t:eat some meat.
6.  t:open your books.
  listen carefully.
7.  ask pairs of student’s to rdeplay to two commands. 
ⅳ.  post-task activities
act & say,
“drink” “ect”

let’s talk
language focus: 
1. ask yes/no questions to find out people’s preperences
eg. do you like fish?
2. using formulaic expressions to compirm or deny.
  eg.yes, i like fish.
speaking: 1. use modeled sentences to communicate with other leamers.
    2. maintain and interaction by prociding information in response to faonal questions
materials:   wallcharts 1b.
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1.  greeting
2.  train
eat some meat
drink some tea
ⅱ.  pre-task preparation
1.  put up the picture cards from unit 7~8.
t:who come to the fromt.
   select one.
2.  hold up the picture for “meat”
t:do you like meat.
s:yes, i like meat.
   no, i don’t like meat.
3.  repeat step s with the other picture cards form unit 7 
ⅲ、 while-task procedure
1.  put up the wallchart one the board and discuss with students what food and drink items can be found on the dinner table.
2.  introduce the food pictures.
t:what is this?
   read after me.
3.  t:look at the pictures
 listen to the tape.
4.  point to the picture.
t:do you like ……?
t:yes, i like .
   no, i don’t like.
5.  divide the class into groups of four.
act them our.
ⅳ、  post-task activity
 show any one of the picture cards to pair of students.
 s:do you like ……?
 s:yes, i like.
no, i don’t like ……

1b u8 period 3 let's act 来自第一范文网。


1B U8 period 3 Let's act
