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1A Unit 5 Fruit Period 1

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1A Unit 5 Fruit Period 1


1A Unit 5 Fruit Period 1

teaching contents:
 words: banana, pear, mango, peach

teaching aims:
 a. to understand and say the four words: banana, pear, mango, peach. pay attention to the pronunciation.
  b. enable ss to make a rhyme about the four words "banana, pear, mango, peach" with the help of teacher, then say it skillfully.
 c. to master the four words by playing games.
 d. raise ss interest of learning english.

key points and difficulty:
 teaching aims a.

teaching aids:
 teaching pictures (part b), word cards, recorder, tape.

teaching procedure:
 step1. warm up
  1. greetings
   t: class begins.
   ss: stand up!
   t: good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.
   ss: good morning/afternoon, miss yang.
   t: sit down, please.
  2. free talk
   a. hello/hi, .
   b. good morning/afternoon, .
   c. hello/hi, i'm .
 step2. presentation
  1. teach the new word: banana.
   a. t: boys and girls, do you like riddles? here's a riddle.
      can you have a try? it's a kind of fruit.
     t show the task: unit 5 fruit.
   b. riddle: 又瘦又高,黄衣白肉;又香又甜,营养全面。
     ss: …
     recorder: banana.
     t: well done! look, this is a banana. (show the picture.)
   c. teach the pronunciation
     banana /bə'nɑ:nə/
   d. make a rhyme:
   e. competition: who say the best?
  2. teach the new word: peach.
   a. t: which animal love banana?
     ss: monkey.
     t: yes, monkey love banana. do you know other fruits monkey love?
     ss: …
   b. t show the picture of "peach": peach.
   c. teach the pronunciation.
     peach /pi:tʃ/
   d. make a rhyme:
   e. competition: who say the best?
  3. teach the new word: pear.
   a. t: do you love banana/peach?
     ss: yes/no.
     t/ss: i love banana/peach.
   b. t show the picture of "peach": peach.
   c. teach the pronunciation.
     pear /pɛə/
   d. make a rhyme:
     pear, pear水分多。
   e. competition: who say the best?
  4. teach the new word: mango.
   a. game: find friends.
     four students hold fruit pictures, three students hold word cards.
   b. t: one fruit can't find friends, let's help her (him) ok?
      but who is her (his) friend?
   c. t show the word card: mango, and teach the pronunciation.
   d. competition: who say the best?
 step3. consolidation.
  say a rhyme: fruits.



1A Unit 5 Fruit Period 1
