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上海牛津英语1A教案 Unit 4 My body

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上海牛津英语1A教案 Unit 4  My  body


上海牛津英语1A教案 Unit 4 My body

unit 4  my  body1、  teaching aims: ss can use imperatives to give simple instructions, such as : wave your hand.2、  teaching aids: tape recorder3、  teaching period: 1 [1]teacher’s activityss’ activityremarkspre-task1. revise the classroom instruction language students have learnt, eg,stand up,please. give me…show me a…raise your hand. put it down.ect.ask ss to listen and act.2. say’touch your toes so that ss understand the meaning of  the instruction. repeat several times.3.repeat step 2 with the other two commands ‘touch your arms’ and ‘wave your hand.’4.say we can do many things because our bodies have many parts that work together. today we will learn some of our body parts. while-task1.have the class listen and act according to your commands “touch your toes. touch your arms. wave your hand.’ repeat several times until they can act freely.2. say the commands in random order and ask individuals to act accordingly.3. open the ss’ book to page 17. play the  cassette tape for ‘touch your toes.’  ask some ss to act it  and the rest of the class to judge right or wrong.4.repeat the process with ‘touch your arms’and wave your hand.’5.have students stand in a circle. teach the  game ‘simon says.’ explain to student that they do the correct action as you tell them only when they hear ‘simon says’.take time to practice. anyone who makes a mistake has to sit down. the last one left is the winner. post-task 1 divide the class into groups of three. have each student give a command and the other two do the action:s1:touch your toes.(s2 and s3 do the action.)s2:touch your arms.(s1 and s3 do the action.)s3:wave your hand.(s1 and s2 do the action.)…..2.practise until everyone has given all the actions.   students listen and act.      ss act. students repeat and follow.   students repeat the word and act.     student listen.       ss carry out the commands.    ss repeat the commands and act.  individual ss carry out the commands. ss listen to the tape.  ss act.the other students judge right or wrong.   ss repeat.  ss do pair work.ss change their roles.      ss play a match.      student work in pairs and act.    individe student act.           通过口令复习,引入新课,激发学生兴趣,消除学生的紧张。          从听,看入手,逐步过度到跟读,说,做,循序渐进。符合认知规律。             让学生边听,边做,使得他们更容易掌握句型。      个别操练和整体操练相结合。             通过集体,个别操练,使每个学生都有简单交际,练习对话的机会。          通过比赛,激起学生的竞争欲望,训练反应能力。     以表演的形式,帮助学生更好的掌握所学的内容。


上海牛津英语1A教案 Unit 4  My  body
