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牛津小学英语1A 教案 Unit 5 On the road

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牛津小学英语1A 教案 Unit 5 On the road


牛津小学英语1A 教案 Unit 5 On the road

the first period
teaching aims and demannds
1、能听懂is this a…?并能根据实际情况作出回答。
2、能运用is this a…?向他人询问和确认某件物品,并获得运用所学进行交际的能力, 要求读音正确,语调自然。
teaching aids: 挂图:词语卡片、小黑板
5  on the road
——is that a taxi?
——no,it isn‘t。/ yes,it is。
a. greeting
继续巩固用英语组织教学让学生初步听懂课堂基本用语,例如class begins, stand up, sit down, please. hello , boys and girls.并且做出相应的反应。
b. free talk
t:class begings.    s1: stand up.
——that’s a ruler. it’s very new.
(2) t: (课前准备一只书包,并在里面放一支钢笔)look at this school bag. what’s in it? please touch and guess. you can say “is this a …?”
s: (学生用手摸摸书包中的东西,然后猜)is this a …?
t: yes, it is. it’s a pen. / no, it isn’t.
t:(书包中放一俩玩具出租车)now what’s in my school bag? please touch and guess.
s: is this a …?
t: no, it isn’t. it’s a taxi. (学生没学过taxi, 所以猜错的几率辉比较高。)
t:(教师再指着讲台上的一辆玩具出租车)is that a taxi, too?
s:yes, it is.
教is that a …?
d、learn to say
t:look! is that a taxi? now let’s listen to the tape.
ss: (听两遍课文对话)
t:is that a taxi?
ss: no, it isn’t.
t: oh, it’s a car. now let’s read after the tape.
1)设计helen 准备出去游玩的情境。她准备了一些水果,让学生猜猜是哪些水果。
f、assign homework

unit 5 on the road the second period
teaching aims and demannds
1、能听懂is that a…?并能根据实际情况作出回答。
2、能运用is that a…?向他人询问和确认某件物品,并获得运用所学进行交际的能力, 要求读音正确,语调自然。
3、能听懂、会说a bus,a car,a taxi和a bike四个单词,发音准确。
teaching aids:挂图,词语卡片、录音机
 design on board:
  unit 5  on the road
——is that a bus/a car/a taxi/a bike?
——no,it isn‘t。/ yes,it is。
ii     jj      kk
a. greeting
(the teacher stands at the door and greets the students as they come in the door.)
t: hello. hi.
(the teacher stands in front of the class and greets all the students again and prompts them to answer.)
t: hello.
ss: hello.
继续巩固用英语组织教学让学生初步听懂课堂基本用语,例如class begins, stand up, sit down, please. hello , boys and girls.并且做出相应的反应。



牛津小学英语1A 教案 Unit 5 On the road
