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牛津英语1B Unit 2 Small animals(oxford 1B)教案

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牛津英语1B Unit 2 Small animals(oxford 1B)教案


牛津英语1B Unit 2 Small animals(oxford 1B)教案

unit 2     small animals

unit 2
small animals
language focus:  1. using numerals to count
eg. one, two, three
2. using nous to identify small commals.
   eg. bird
listening;      locate specific information in response to simple in structions.
speaking:       use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.
materials:       1. 10 paper cut-outs of bees.
               2. word and picture cards 1b
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. greeting
2. t:today i’ll invites you to a beautiful place, there are man animds, would you go with me? (情景)
t:ok, let’s go.
3. train
i like the sweets.
i like this new dress.
i like the new shoes.
ⅱ.  pre-task preparation
1. draw ten flowers on the board.
shits 1~6 for reviewing.
t:one, two, three, four, five, six
2. count the pens penals rulers sweets.
eg: 1、2、3  three pens
3. write t & say
t:seven (emphasize)
(1) the whole class read
(2) read it one by one.
4. repead stop 2 for “eight” “nine” and “ten”
5. (1) t:(hold up ten fingers) count with me.
t & s:one, two, three……
(2) do pair work.
   t:(encarrage the students to get into pairs and count each other’s fingers.)
ⅲ.  while-task procedure
1. t:( extend arms move around)
bzz, bzz, bzz
i am a bee
t & s:i am a bee.
2. t:(extand your arms & move them up and dowm.)
i am bird
let students follow.
3. t:(put hands above your head. squat, hop)
i am a rabbit
let students copy
4. t:(stoop down slightly & pretand to jump forward)
i am a frog.
let student copy
5. repeat the number 1~6  7~10
6. play the cassette tape for students to listen to a nativw speaker.
7. play the tape again
t:say the lines & do the actions.   
ⅴ.  post-task activity
    teach another rhyme
one two, buckle my shoe
three four shut the door
five six pick up sticks
seven eight close the gate
nine ten a good fat her
        ⅵ. summany

let’s talk
language focus:  using formulaic expressions to indicate whet people see.
eg. i see a bee
speaking:       1. use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners
               2.open on interaction by eliriting a response. 



牛津英语1B Unit 2 Small animals(oxford 1B)教案
