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i. 重点单词
1. awesome adj.令人敬畏的,可怕的     
2. awful .adj 糟糕的,非常的
3. beneficial adj.有益的,有帮助的      
4. bound adj. 必定的
5. chapter n. 章,篇         
6. 6. boundary n 分界线
7. bachelor n.学士,学士学位         
8. bonus n.奖金,红利
9. bench n. 长凳          
10. biogtaphy n. 传记
ii. 重点短语
1. be bound to 必定        
2. be dying to 渴望做
3. a battery of questions 一连串的质问  
4. be beneficial to 对...有益 
5. benefit from 从...获益       
6. for the benefit of 为了...的利益 
7. a bachelor's degreee 学士学位     
8. bark at 对...叫
9. be of benefit有帮助的
iii. 佳句赏析
1. barking dogs don't bite.
2. fresh air is beneficial to your health.
3. a new broom sweeps clean.
4. there is an awesome task ahead of us.
iv. 词汇练习
1. i always hear the dog b________ when i pass the house.
2. the plane is b_______ for newyork.
3. steamboat travel opened a new c_______ in america's exploration of the west.
4. the river is the b__________ of the two countries.
5. the workers in the list happily got a christmas b________.
6. how a_________ to be discovered by her, claire thought.
7. the new regulations will be of great b_________ to us all.
8. boswell wrote a famous b_________ of dr. white.
v. 短语练习
1. the sound of the engine _______ as the car drove into the distance.
   a died out   b died down    c died away    d died up
2. the educationists suggested that china should take advantage of it tools like distance learning to push education so that more people ___from knowledge.

a.learn       b.borrow      c.result       d.benefit

3. the new discovery_______ be of great service to mankind.
 a. is bound to       b. is bound for     c. be bound to   d. be bound for
4. —what are you mailing,ryan?
  —a textbook ____ a new method of teaching physics.i want my friends to take a lood at it .

   a.is based on     b.based on     c.basing       dwhich based upon
5. smallpox, a kind of disease, has now died______.



