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3A Unit 2 Nice to meet you

一、教学内容《义务教育课程标准实验教科书牛津小学英语》3a第二单元 第二教时b look and learn。 二、教学目标1能听懂、会说单词:yellow, brown, white, red, blue, green, black, orange。2能在情景中熟练运用询问颜色的日常用语:what colour? yellow./…3能唱歌曲《hi, nancy!》 三、教学重点1单词:yellow, brown, white, red, blue, green, black, orange。2日常用语:what colour?  yellow./ … 四、教学难点掌握8个颜色类单词。 五、课前准备1教具准备a多媒体课件; b人物头饰及与颜色有关的各种物品:单词图片、彩笔、各色星形贴纸等;c录音机和磁带。2板书准备预先写好课题  unit 2  nice to meet you 六、教学过程a sing a song(约5分钟)1用课件出示歌曲《hi, nancy!》让学生边做手势边跟着唱。(幻灯片2 歌曲)2分发头饰,让四名学生扮演上节课认识的人物mr. green, miss li, helen和wang bing。3 打招呼t: this is helen/…. let’s say ‘hi’ to her/him, ok? s: hi, helen!4 改编歌曲演唱 ‘hi, helen /mr. green/miss li,/wang bing’t: can you sing the song for her/him?s: ‘hi, helen/…. hi, helen/…. good morning. good morning.’ b presentation and practice(约20分钟)1 t:look, what’s this? (幻灯片3 a red car)s:car  t:yes, it is a car. and what colour is it? (出示词卡“what colour?”)师领读,生跟读“what colour?”  “red.” 然后小组→个人找出身边红色的物品,一边指,一边练习说单词red。  同法,出现幻灯片4-10,教授其他7个颜色类单词,并将颜色图卡贴黑板上。(幻灯片4:a green car  幻灯片5:a yellow car  幻灯片6:an orange car   幻灯片7:a white car  幻灯片8:a blue car    幻灯片9:a black car    幻灯片10:a brown car)2 look and learn1) open the books and listen to the tape.2) read after the tape.3 ask and answer出示一幅彩色的汽车图画进行指问。(幻灯片11)t: what colour? s: yellow/ black…师生问答 → 生生问答 c consolidation(约15分钟)1game“look and match” (幻灯片12-13)look at the screen and match the pictures with the right words, then say the colour out. if he is right, he can get a star which has the same colour.2game“look and say” (幻灯片14-22)look at the colourful plate. when it stops, the students should say the colour. if he is right, he can get a star.3 game“look and guess” (幻灯片23-24)  1)look at a nice umbrella’s shadow. it has many colours. guess. (幻灯片23)2)check the answers. if he is right, he can get a star.(幻灯片24) d assign homework(约1分钟)(幻灯片25)1听录音并跟读单词。2收集各色物品,复习颜色类单词。 七、板书设计 unit 2 nice to meet you  


