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上海牛津版三年级英语下册Module 1   Using my five senses教学设计

revision:daily talk:how are you?how old are you?what’s this?what are they?what colour is it?--t~ pp~ t通过问答复习,为新授作铺垫。presentation consolidationhairmirrorwhat can you see?i can see ---say a poem.1.     revise the words: ear, head, hand, leg---2.     teacher point and introduce the hair.elicit: hair3.     read and spell the word.4.     make the phrases.eg. the black hair5.     say something about your body.eg. i have two ears.   i have a mouth.---1.     t show a mirror and learn the word.mirror2.     show the mirror and try to say.eg. the mirror is a circle.1.     t: look in the mirror. i can see black hair. i can see two brown eyes.---2.     guess the meaning and try to introduce.3.     t: what can you see? p: i can see---.   pair work.4.     p: what can you see?t. i can’t see. guess and practise.1.      listen to the tape and answer teacher’s questions.2.      repeat the poem.3.      practise the poem.4.      act out the poem.5.      do grammar practice book p1.在复习相关人体器官的基础上新授,降低新知难度。assignment1.copy the words and sentences.2.listen and read poem.3.     make a mask.4.     do workbook p1.feedback:学生已经习惯了look at对于look in 还是比较陌生的,所以在读音上我就加强训练,培养他们良好的听得习惯。同时,hair的不可数,以及其它的可数名词进行比较。加深印象。the second period language focus: using nouns to identify thingsusing predicative adjectives of colour to describe thingsusing modal verb ‘can’ to talk about abilitylanguage skills: using modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with teacher and other learnersmaintain an interaction by replying to questionsmain points: can spell the words and using the sentences.difficult points: can recite the words and write the sentences.materials: some colour pencils, rulers, rubbers ---the colour paper, the cassette and the tape.procedurecontentsmethodspurposewarming-upsay the poem.look at the mirror and say the poem. revisionthe words.what can you see? i can see---.1.t point and p spell the words.2. try to introduce: i have ---.1.t asks p answer.2.p~ p (use the things)


