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上海牛津版三年级英语下册Module 1   Using my five senses教学设计

用旧句型复习操练,通过问答自然而然引入新课句型。presentationin the classroomgrey, brown1.t.in the classroom, we can see---elicit: blackboard, ruler, chair, rubber, desk---2.spell the words.3.t. what can you see?  p. i can see ---.5.     pair work.1.t show a thing and ask:what colour is it?elicit: red, orange, white, black, yellow, blue, green, pink2.show the things and do pair work.what colour is it? it’s ---.3. shoe the brown thing and elicit: brown say some brown things.6.     ask and answer:7.     what colour is it? it’s brown.7. the same teaching: grey/gray8.     t~p  p~p what can you see? what colour is it?


句型的教学中,不单纯的教书上的句型,通过在使用中使学生学会问答,培养学生会话能力.consolidation1.     listen to the cassette and repeat several times.2.     read in role.3.     look at the picture and write the words in the boxes.4.     do pair work.5.     do workbook p2assignment1.     read and spell the words.2.     copy the words and sentences.3.     do grammar practice book p2feedback: 这课的内容还是比较简单的,大部分的单词我们在上学期都有接触,同时,学生掌握的情况也是比较好的,所以,我在课上没用比较多的时间,而是渗透了一些课外的单词、词组,以扩充他们的词汇量。the third period language focus: asking ‘wh-‘ questions to find out various colours students see.using modal verb ‘can’ to talk about abilitylanguage skills: identify a series of words in a sentence with the vowel sound ‘a’ in its open syllable formusing modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with teacher and other learners.main points: can say the sentences. pronounce correctly a series of words in a sentence with the vowel sound ‘a’ in its open syllable form.difficult point: can use the sentences.materials: paper, toothpick, crayons and so on.procedurecontentsmethodspurposewarming-upsay a poem1.act and say together.2.invite some pupils to act.revisionwhat can you see?what colour is it?1.     t ~p2.     p~p (t show the things)3.     pair work.presentationwhat colour can you see?i can see---make and playlearn the sounda  jane can make paper aeroplanes.1.      t show the things and say: i can see yellow.



