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上海牛津版三年级英语下册Module 1   Using my five senses教学设计

5.     do ask and answer.    用身边的同学作为新句型教授的利用对象,学生说的更欢快。consolidation1.     listen and read.2.     work in pairs.3.     ask and answer.assignment1.     listen and read.2.     do ‘ now listen!’3.     copy the sentences.feedback:now listen的内容相对还是太简单,对学生的听力还是帮助不大,但从实际来看,平时也没有时间对学生的听力进行指导,要想听力成绩提高快,还是有很大难度。unit 3 touching and feelinglanguage functions:identifying objects by touchasking questions about and describing the way things feelidentifying letters of the alphabet shapesresponding to simple instructionssaying the sound ‘e’ in its open syllable formlanguage skills:use modeled sentences to communicate with other learnersopen an interaction by eliciting a responseproduce simple sentences involving listspronounce correctly a series of words in a sentence with the vowel sounds ‘e’ in its open syllable formteaching times: five periodsthe first periodlanguage focus:using adjectives to describe things.using imperatives to give instructionsasking ‘how’ questions to find out the texture of a thing.asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out a specific thing.language skills:maintain an interaction by replying to a question.locate specific information in response to simple questions.procedurecontentsmethodspurposewarming-upsay a song.say the song together.revisionwhat can you see/hear?i can see/ hear---.can you/he, she, see/hear-- -?ask and answer one by one.复习旧知,让学生进入轻松的英语学习氛围。presentationsoft   hardrough smoothtouch this. how does it feel? it’s ---.1.     show the things and tough and feel.2.     elicit:  soft 3.     read the word .4.     try to say.e.g. the hair is soft. the same teaching(hard  rough  smooth)1.     t acts and show the word: touch2.     read the word.3.     try to say: touch the ---. it’s ---.4.     t asks and show the question.5.     repeat the question.6.     do quick response.7.     practice the dialogue.在触觉的感受中先体验,加深学生对单词的意义记忆。consolidation1.     listen and read the words and the dialogue.


