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上海牛津版三年级英语下册Module 1   Using my five senses教学设计

2.     practice the dialogue.3.     act out the dialogue.4.     play a game. touch the things and guess: what is it?5. grammar practice book p9.玩一玩,猜一猜,让他们边感受边操练新单词和句型。assignment1.     listen and read ten times.2.     copy the words and sentences.3.     do workbook p6.feedback:这是一个反义词巩固的好机会,我索性来了个大练兵,想不到学生的积极性很高,说了许多,有些同学更是带到了课外知识,大家羡慕不已,于是鼓励他们多进行课外扩充。the second periodlanguage focus:using adjectives to describe thingsusing imperatives to give instructionsasking ‘how’ questions to find out the texture of a thinglanguage skills:locate specific information in response to simple questionsopen an interaction by asking a questionmaintain an interaction by replying to a questionmain point:can use the question to find out the texture of a thingdifficult point:can use two adjectives to describe thingsmaterials:a soft toy, a bag, a balloon, an apple and a pineapplecassette 3b, photocopiable p6,7procedurecontentsmethodspurposewarming-upsay a rhyme.say and act.revisionwords.touch this. ( the ---) how does it feel? it’s ---.1.     show the words and spell together.2.     show the things and say: it’s ---.3.     recite the words.1. read the text.2.t asks and p answer.3.work in pairs.presentationit’s ___ and ___.1.     show the desk and ask: how does it feel?elicit: it’s smooth and hard.2.     read the phrases and try to say.3.     practice: s1: touch the desk.  how does it feel?s2: it’s ___ and ___.练习句型, 并将感触的单词用and合并形容。consolidationasks and answerplay a game1.     read the sentences.2.     look and tick the correct boxes.3.     ask and answer.1.     t show the letters , blind and guess: it’s --.2.     use photocoible p6,7.make letters and do group work.assignment1.     read the sentences.2.     copy the phrases.the third periodlanguage focus:asking ‘how’ questions to find out the texture of a thingasking ‘yes/no’ questions to obtain simple responseslanguage skills:locate specific information in response to simple questionsopen an interaction by asking a question


