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上海牛津版三年级英语下册Module 1   Using my five senses教学设计

maintain an interaction by replying to a questionpronounce correctly a series of words in a sentence with the vowel sound ‘e’ in its open syllable formmaterials:cassette 3b   wallpictures 3b   workbook p7  a cup of hot tea and some iceprocedurecontentsmethodspurposewarming-upsing a song.sing and act.revision1.     daily talk2.     ask and answer.touch this. how does it feel?---1.     t~ p1~ p2~ p3---2.     t: touch this. how does it feel? ( show the book)p: it’s ---.3.practice in roles.presentationhot  coldis it hot? yes, it is.no, it isn’t.1.     ask pupils to touch the cup of hot tea and the ice. elicit: hot  cold2.     read the words.3.     say the hot things and the cold things.1.     t show the things and asks: is it ---? read the sentences.guess the meaning.2.     t asks and p answer.3.     practice in roles.用水的冷热让学生体验并拓展教授warm , cool。consolidationlook and learn play a gamelearn the sounde she can see these trees on the street.1.     listen and read the words and the dialogue.2.     read in role.3.     ask and answer.4.     play a game.1.     show the words and play the cassette.2.     pupils listen and read the sounds.3.     invite individual pupils to read the sentence.4.     grammar practice book p11.assignment1.     listen and read the words and sentences.2.     copy the words and the sentences.3.     workbook p7feedback:应该说how的句型是比较难的,尤其是碰到两种用法,学生更是容易混淆,本想与五年级一样较,可以进行第三人称单数的渗透,但觉得这样只会使他们更加混淆,于是决定和三上一样用口诀教授,想不到效果还不错。module 1 unit 4 tasting and smelling language functions: indentifying objects by taste and smell. asking questions about and describing the taste and smell of objects responding to simple instructions saying the sound ‘e’ in its closed syllable form language skills: use modeled sentences to communicate with teachers and other learners open an interaction by eliciting a response pronounce correctly a series of words in a sentence with the vowel sound ‘e’ in its closed syllable form teaching breach: use the fruits and the food to learn the words. act and practice the sentences. teaching times: five times


