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上海牛津版三年级英语下册Module 1   Using my five senses教学设计

 soft --- hard  big--- small ---2.     daily talk.taste this. what is it? ----1.        try to spell the words.2.        quick response.3.        say something about the words.1.     t ~ p 2.     book p14 ask and answer.将所有感官的形容词合并操练。presentationniceis it nice?smell this.1.     t show a flower and elicit: nice2.     read and spell the word.3.     show the things and ask:is it nice?yes, it is.no, isn’t.1.t acts and elicit: smell2.spell the words.3.     practice: smell this. is it nice? ---4.     play a game. t ~ p1elicit: close your eyes.5. read the sentence.用花和有香味的东西让学生感受,学习nice。consolidation1.     play the cassette and repeat.2.     read in role.3.     play a guess game.assignment1.     listen and read.2.     copy the words and sentences.feedback:习惯了五年级的教学,觉得在课堂上进行遮着眼睛猜谜等是挺幼稚的,所以对此一直兴趣不大,今天兴之所至,给三年级的学生来了个小游戏,想不到大家的兴趣很大。课文也很快背了出来。

the third periodteaching aims: have the pupils to pronounce the words and vowel ‘e’ in closed syllable correctly.have the pupils to ask the feelings.language focus: using nouns to identify thingsusing adjectives to describe thingsdifficult point: can pronounce correctly a series of words in a sentence with the vowel sound ‘e’ in its closed syllable formmain point: can pronounce correctly a series of words in a sentence with the vowel sound ‘e’ in its closed syllable formmaterials: a pineapple, a prawn, a dried prawn, sweets, cakes , different kinds of fruit. procedurecontentsmethodspurposewarming-uplearn a rhyme.i have two eyes i can see.i have two ears i can hear.i have a nose i can smell.i have two hands i can feel.1.         t act and say slowly.2.         repeat after teacher.3.         clap and say.revisionwords1.        show the words  and spell.2.        look at the phonical symbol and read the words.3.        read the text in role.



