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上海牛津版三年级英语下册Module 1   Using my five senses教学设计

4.        try to recite.5.        do dictation.presentationpineapple  prawn1.       show some fruits and make a dialogue.2.       show a pineapple and learn:pine--apple  pineapple3.       spell and read.4.       touch the pineapple. how does it feel?do you like pineapples?show a prawn and learn.5. ask and answer.对于相对较长的单词,教学生用拆分法记忆,如pineapple.consolidationlearn the sounde eddie has ten red pegs.1.     listen and repeat.2.     ask and answer.1.     look and listen.2.     read after teacher.3.     try to say some words.e.g. egg elephant telephone  smell assignment1.     listen and read.2.     copy the words.feedback:the fourth periodteaching aims: have the pupils to act out the dialogue.language focus: using formulaic expressions to start a conversationusing formulaic expressions to request somethingdifficult point: using formulaic expressions to start a conversationmain point: can make a small dialogue about shoppingmaterials: some fruits  cassette procedurecontentsmethodspurposewarming-upsay a rhyme.act and say.revision1.     daily talk. 2.     wordst~ p1~ p2 ---1.     show the words and spell.2.     try to spell.3.     practice the sentences.presentationat the fruit shop1.       review : taste , smell, touch .2.       try to make a dialogue.3.       listen to the cassette and repeat.4.       practice in roles.5.       act out the dialogue.综合操练,混合五种感官。consolidation1.group work.make a new dialogue.assignment1.     listen and read .2.     do exercises.feedback:can i help you?这个句型在中高年级中出现的比较多,在shopping的环节中更是如此,于是我进行了重点强调。同时,也加入了what can i do for you? here’s your money.等进行扩充。


