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PEP6 Unit 4 What are you doing?单元测试卷

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PEP6  Unit 4 What are you doing?单元测试卷


PEP6 Unit 4 What are you doing?单元测试卷

班级                 姓名                得分_____________
listening part (40%)
ⅰ: listen and number.听音,标号。(8分)

 (     )           (    )           (    )             (    )

 (    )             (    )             (    )            (    )     
ⅱ:listen and choose. 听音,选择,并将序号写在前面括号里。(10分)
1.(  )     a.doing homework    b.doing the dishes      c. doing morning exercises      
2.(  )     a.cook           b.book          c.boat      
3.(  )     a.see you         b.bye           c.good bye 
4.(  )     a.grandpa         b.grandfather    c.grandparents       
5.(  )     a.eat breakfast     b.eat lunch       c.eat dinner
6.(  )     a.clean           b.cleaning       c.cleans    
7.(  )     a.study          b.bedroom        c.living room
8.(  )     a.call            b.tall             c.fall
9.(  )     a.visiting friends     b.visiting parents       c.visiting grandparents    



PEP6  Unit 4 What are you doing?单元测试卷
