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11. kitty has collected enough information about _____________ games. (education)
12. could you please try to answer these questions ____________(proper).
13. when i was traveling in thailand, i saw some people play with snakes. the snakes seemed to be __________(harm) to them. so they were not afraid of them.
14. do you mind __________ (turn) on the lights? it is getting dark now.
15. you __________(sure) remember the wonderful trip to the world park. that is a happy experience.
1. asleep     2. repair     3. service      4. online     5. receive
6. acturally     7. appears    8. discuss      9. earn     10. knowledge
11. educational  12. properly   13. harmless     14. turning    15. surely
1. 快点;加油     come on
2. 把某物带在某人身边     bring/take sth. with sb.
3. 去徒步旅行     go hiking
4. 去滑雪     go skiing
5. 看美丽的风景     see the beautiful view
6. 拍照     take photos
7. 一整天     the whole day
8. 一个著名的室内主题公园     a famous indoor theme park
9. 傍晚(下午的晚些时候)       later in the afternoon
10. 即使(引导让步状语从句)  even though=even if
11. 去旅行       go on a trip
去日本旅行     go on a trip to japan
去度假     go on holiday
去日本度假     go to japan for a holiday
12. 如些……以至于……     so… that…/ such… that…
为了……;以便……      …so that…
13. 一家快餐店       a fast-food restaurant
14. 凯蒂猫小屋       hello kitty’s house
15. 凯蒂猫苹果派     hello kitty apple pie
16. 鼓掌     clap one’s hands
17. 忍不住做某事     can’t stop doing sth.
18. 变得兴奋     get excited
19. 从…里跳出来     jump out of…
20. a与b很相配     a match well with b
21. 向某人招手       wave to sb.
22. 随着音乐跳舞     dance to the music
23. 跳舞跳得很优美       dance beautifully


