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a. east    b. west   c. south   d  north
4. 根据词语用法确定答案
 a little cock lived near the river. one morning the little cock ______his beautiful clothes and went for a walk by the river. on his way he met a little duck.
a. wore   b. had on   c. dressed    d. put on
分析:所给的四个选项是一组同义词组,都表示“穿”,但它们在用法上有所不同。wear和have on 都可接物作宾语,意为“穿着”,表示状态;put on 也可接“衣物”,作宾语,意为“穿上”,表示动作;而dress 的宾语只能是人,而不能是“衣物”。根据以上分析,再结合原句的意思,可以确定正确答案为d。
   tiger woods is a famous professional golfer(职业高尔夫球手). in fact, he is probably ____1__ golfer in the world today. he ___2__ in the united states in 1975. when he was very young, he learned how to play golf ____3__  his father. in 1978, when tiger was three years old, he was on ___4___ first tv show. he played golf with some famous people___5___ he surprised everyone. between the ages of 8 and 16, tiger woods learned a lot about playing ___6___. he won his first championship (冠军) in______ years. in 1994, tiger became a student of standford university. he won 10 golf championships while he ___8__ at the university. in 1996, tiger became a professional golfer and __9___ more money. he was very famous and rich ___10___ he was till young. now he has many fans and is a model for young people.
(   ) 1. a. the cleverest    b. the most famous  c. the poorest   d. the oldest
(   ) 2. a. was born       b. was carried      c. was taken    d. was pleased
(   ) 3. a. to             b. from           c. of          d. after
(   ) 4. a. their           b. its             c. his          d. her


