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  the chinese leaders have decided to develop the western area. jiang zemin said,“without development of the western area,how can we modernize the whole country,and how can china become an economic power?”
  since 1949,when the people's republic of china was founded,it is not the first time for china to develop its western part. china will make its western area a long-term base for economic development and use its rich resources to develop economic power.
  38. the territory of western china is _______.
  a. as large as that of eastern china 
  b. as large as that of central china
  c. as large as that of eastern china and central china
  d. the largest one of the three areas
  39. do you know why we develop western china?
  a. because the people of western china are rich
  b. because it has 230 million people
  c. because it makes up 56.4% of chinese territory
  d. because we will modernize the whole country
  40.an economic power means _____.
  a. a rich and strong country
  b. a large country
  c. a country with much more population
  d. a large country without economic development
  41. what is the best advantage(优势) of west china?
  a. its rich resources
  b. animals
  c. plants
  d. its economic power
  42. what is the best title for the passage?
  a. china-a large country
  b. developing western china
  c. home to wild animals and plants
  d. rich western china
  one day james came up to dick and said,“look,what i’ve found in mr. trotter’s rubbish bin!” it was a piece of paper. on it were test questions for history. “that’s our history paper. i’m sure of it,” said james,“ it’s in mr. trotter’s handwriting.” “yes,i think so.” said dick. “ i’ll sell the paper for $1 to our classmates.” said james. so in the three days he went round the class and sold the “test paper” to his classmates. james felt happy because he got $40. all the students were sure that these questions would be in the test paper. the questions were quite difficult so they had to work hard at preparing them.
  the day for the exam came. mr. trotter walked into the classroom. “history test,”he said and then gave out the test paper. oh dear! it was different from the paper that james had found. none of the questions were the same. none of the students did well. james had to give all their money back to his classmates. ever since he has never looked in teachers’rubbish bins again.
  43. who wrote the test questions on the paper?


