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Unit 4 Wang Wei’s Dream

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Unit 4 Wang Wei’s Dream


Unit 4 Wang Wei’s Dream

his family did not have enough money to pay for university, but wang wei found out about scholarships that would pay for his tuition. mom was doubtful, and this time even dad felt a bit uncertain. but he said, “we must have faith in wand wei and his dream.” so wang wei studied extra hard every day, and applied for the scholarships.

now wang wei had the letter in his hand that would tell him if he could go to the university. he took a deep breath and opened the envelope. his parents looked over his shoulder. wang wei smiled. “it says, ‘congratulations. you have been accepted to the university on a full scholarship!’” mom hugged him with tears in her eyes. “i am so proud of you!” she said.

dad patted his back. “i always had faith in wang wei and his dream, ’ he said.   reading comprehension

circle the best answer for each question. 1. when wang wei got a letter from the university, why were his hands shaking? (b)   a. because he was sick.   b. because his future was inside the envelope.   c. because he was angry with his father. 2. why was mom upset about the television? (b)   a. because she didn’t want wang wei to watch it so much.   b. because she didn’t think wang wei could put it back together.   c. because wang wei wanted her to buy a new one. 3. why did wang wei’s teachers think he should go to the university? (c)   a. because he had lots of money.   b. because the university is easy.   c. because he had talent. 4. why did wang wei need to apply for a scholarship? (a)   a. because his family didn’t have enough money for tuition.   b. because every student has to have a scholarship.   c. because if he has a scholarship he won’t have to study. 5. why did mom have tears in her eyes? (c)   a. because she was angry with wang wei.   b. because she has to pay for wang wei’s tuition.   c. because she was proud of wang wei.   forming opinions: guided writing (a)a student is writing a paragraph about wang wei, and why he was so successful in achieving his dream. look at the outline.

wang wei’s dream: to study engineering at university.

why was he successful? 1. wang wei dreamed of doing something that he loved and that he was good at. (a)(b)   (a)he wanted to be an engineer.   (b)he liked to see how things worked. 2. wang wei faced his problems. (a)(b)   (a)nobody in his family had been to the university before.   (b)his family didn’t have enough money for tuition.



Unit 4 Wang Wei’s Dream
