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2018中考英语考前错题本 (B字母篇)

XX中考英语考前错题本 (b字母篇)
back 
  [误] i'm sorry. i have to back home.
  [正] i'm sorry. i have to go back home.
  [正] i'm sorry. i have to go home.
  [析] back用作"回到(某处)"之意,不是动词。
  be 
  [误] where do you from?
  [正] where are you from?
  [析] "你从何处来"应为where are you from?或where do you come from? 但要注意这两句话均是问对方从哪个国家来的。要是口语中问"你是从什么地方来?"应讲where did you come from? 回答用i came from the library.
  beat 
  [误] we have won your class.
  [正] we have beaten your class.
  [正] we have won the game.
  [析] win是胜过之意,它是及物动词,但其后的宾语只能接比赛、战争、奖品、奖金的名称,如:which team won the football match? 而beat指打败对手、敌人……如:my brother beat me at poker.(要注意的是,beat的过去式与原形相同,而过去分词为beaten)。
  [误] the ball beat me badly.
  [正] the ball hit me badly.
  [误] he used to hit the little boy black and blue.
  [正] he used to beat the little boy black and blue.
  [析] beat指打击多次,而hit则为击中对方的一次性打击。
  beautiful 
  [误] he is a beautiful boy.
  [正] he is a handsome boy.
  [析] 我们可以讲she is a beautiful girl. this is a beautiful park. 但要讲男人的"英俊"时要用handsome.
  because 
  [误] the reason why i was late is because i was ill.
  [正] the reason why i was late is that i was ill.
  [误] because it was sunday, so the park was crowded.
  [正] because it was sunday the park was crowded.
  [析] 这种错误是因为中文的习惯与英语的表述法不同,中文常讲我来晚了的原因是因为我病了,而英文中的第二个因为要用that代替。又因中文常讲因为……所以……,而英文中用了因为就不能再用所以了,同样用了"所以"也就不要再用"因为"一词。例如:because we study hard, we passed the exam easily. 或者:we study hard so we passed the exam easily.
  because because of 
  because后要接从句,例如:we like physics because we can learn a lot of new ideas. 而because of后要接名词作介词宾语,如:he is not at school because of the illness.
  before 
  [误] we have two hours to kill before we will go home.
  [正] we have two hours to kill before we go home.
  [析] kill time意为"消磨时光"。
  英语状语从句中要用一般现在时表示将来的动作。如:if it rains we will not go to the park.
  [误] i did this work two days before.
  [正] i did this wor k two days ago.
  [析] 用ago组成的时间状语其主句中的谓语动词要用过去时,而before引起的时间状语其主句中的谓语动词多用完成时,如:i has done this work a few days before.


