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(   )4. danny did all kinds of things to make the baby ______.
a. to stop crying     b. stop crying      c. to stop to cry       d. stop to cry
(   )5. —what are on show in the museum?
      — some photos _____by the children of yushu, qinghai.
a. have been taken   b. were taken       c. are taken          d. taken
(   )6. you shouldn’t ______ your hope. everything will be better.
a. give up          b. fix up         c. cheer up          d. put up
(   )7. how much does the ticket ______ from shanghai to beijing?
a. cost      b. took           c. spend            d. pay
(   )8.they were all so tired that they could ______.
a. do nothing but sleep                  b. do anything but sleep  
c. do nothing but to sleep                d. do anything but to sleep
(   )9. — where would you like to go on your summer holiday, mike?
      — i’d like to go ______.   
a. nowhere interesting                    b. interesting anywhere  
c. somewhere interesting                 d. interesting somewhere
(   )10. — he didn’t go to the lecture this morning, did he?
       — ______. though he was not feeling very well. 
a. no, he didn’t.     b. yes, he did.      c. no, he did.        d. yes, he didn’t.
(   )11. in the past few years there ______ great changes in my hometown.
a. have been        b. were       c. had been          d. are
(   )12. we have two rooms ______, but i can’t decide ______.


