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1. teenager should be allowed to  go out with their friends every night.
2. students should not be allowed to have part-time jobs.
3. i don’t think sixteen- year-olds should be allowed to drive.
4. he should stop wearing that silly earring.
5. he doesn’t seem to have many friends.
6. i’m allowed to go to the movies with friends on friday nights. me, too, but i have to be home by 10:00 pm.
7. find someone who is allowed to stay up  until 11:00 pm.
8. parents should not be too strict with teenagers.
9. the problem is that all my classmates think the uniforms are ugly.
10. we think young people should look smart and so we would like to wear our own clothes.
11. our teachers believe that if we did that, we would concentrate more on our clothes than our studies.
12. we would feel more comfortable and that is good for studying.
13. i know we get noisy sometimes, but we learn a lot from each other.
14. last summer i had an opportunity to volunteer at the local hospital, but i couldn’t because i had to go back to school.
15. i can’t choose which pair of jeans to buy. they both look good on me.
16. last year we went to an old people’s home and sang songs and performed a play for them.
17. for example, we should visit primary schools and help teach young students.
18. some students should be allowed to have friday afternoons off to volunteer and help others.
19. but sometimes these hobbies can get in the way of schoolwork, and parents might worry about their child’s success at school.
20. however, his parents won’t allow him to train as much as he would like to.
21. now that he is getting older, he needs to think about what will happen if he doesn’t become a professional runner in the end.
22. but i’m serious about running. being a professional runner is the only thing i want to do.
23. we don’t allow him to practice every day because we think he needs to spend time on his homework.
24. i know my parents care about me. but they are always talking about what will happen if i don’t succeed.
   cats  eat  fish.    (主动语态)猫吃鱼。

   fish  is eaten  by cats. (被动语态)鱼被猫吃。
  由“助动词be +及物动词的过去分词”构成
  助动词be 有人称、数和时态的变化,其变化规则与be 作为连系动词时完全一样。
时态 被动语态结构 例句
一般现在  时 am
are +过去分词
is  english is spoken in many countries.



