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     i often think about/ of that day. 我经常想起那天。
   ②think about 还有“考虑”之意 ,think of   想到、想出时两者不能互用
    at last, he thought of a good idea. 最后他想出了一个好主意。
    we are thinking about going qinzhou. 我们正在考虑去钦州。
31. 对… 热衷, 对…兴趣
be serious about doing 如:she is serious about dancing. 她对跳舞热衷。
be serious about sth. 如:she is serious about him. 她对他感兴趣。
32. practice doing 练习做某事   she often practice speaking english.
33. care about sb. 关心某人 如:mother often care about her son.
34. also  也   用于句中
   either也   用于否定句且用于句末
   too   也  用于肯定句且用于句末
   i am also a student. 我也是一个学生
   i am a student too. 我也是一个学生。
i am not a student either. 我也不是一个学生。
1. the woman clean the office every day.    -the office ______ _________ every day .
2. a loud noise woke us up.     -we _______ ________ up by a loud noise .
3. workers are building some new houses near the park.
  -some new houses ________ _________ ____________ near the park.
4. someone has stolen my keys.    -my keys _______ ________ __________.
5. teachers and parents shouldn’t allow teanagers to wear their own clothes.
  -teenagers _________ _________ ___________ to wear their own clothes
6. he gave me a book.       -i ________  ___________ a book by him. (以间接宾语me做主语)
                        -a book ________ ________ me by tom. (以直接宾语a book作主语)
7.  i saw him go into the office building. 
    -he _______ ________ _______ _______ into the office building.
8. they take good care of my child.     -my child ______ ______ good care of.
9. i think that he is right.      -_______ ______ _______ that he is right.
smoke, wear earrings, play computer games, choose one’s own clothes, have longer vacation.



