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By the time I got outside the bus had already left教案

answers:1.realized 2.rush 3.stay up 4.invite 5.show up
suggested answers:
      1.as soon as the bell rang, the students rushed to the playground.
      2.by the time he got to the office he realized that he had locked all his
      keys at home.
      3.mr. green invited his good friends to have a big dinner at home last
      4.we have to finish the task before the boss shows up.
      5.jack stayed up very late last night. he couldn't wake up on time this
step ⅲ part 2
ask: what is happening to ming? get the whole class to read the instructions. then ask the students to describe each picture in order. write some useful sentences on the blackboard. for example, for the first picture, help the students to say ming wakes up at 10: 00 and thinks she is late for school.the sentences can vary. a sample answer:ming woke up at 10; 00 o'clock in the morning. she thought that she must be late for school. so she got up and rode a bike to school was empty. she was the only one there. then she realized that it was sunday.her good friend, han mei, came to see her after she had got home. ming told han mei the whole story happened in the morning earlier. it made han mei laugh a lot.ming went to her grandparents' house with her parents. they had dinner together and talked happily.    ming watched tv in the evening and she went to bed at 10 : 00.
step ⅳ part 3the first one has been given as a model. ask some students to tell their answers to the class. check the answers with the whole class.
answers: 1.homework 2.lock 3.costume 4.empty
step ⅴ just for fun!
ask the students to read the sentences under the pictures together.then ask the children what is funny about this cartoon. help the students to answer like this:
the boy saw the clouds and he felt the rain long before he got home. he should have realized much sooner that he had forgotten his umbrella.
step ⅵ summary:in this class, we've practiced using some verbs and we've written an article based on the pictures given.
step ⅶ homework
1.revise all the language points in this unit.
2.make another more sentence with each verb below, rush, realize, invite,       show up, stay up.

主备人:刘华    备课时间:.10.27    上课人:          上课时间:



