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Unit3 Scienceversusnature单元复习学案

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Unit3 Scienceversusnature单元复习学案


Unit 3 Science versus nature单元复习学案

unit 3 science versus nature单元复习学案
1.little tom b____________like a gentleman at yesterday’s party.
2.volunteers serve as ____________ (advocate)for abused children.
3.as many as 30,000 refugees died of hunger and lacking m____________care.
4.the shop assistant didn’t take the customer’s request s____________,as a result,his prize was kept back by the boss.
5.he is now out of work as a result of his c____________,which resulted in a great loss in business.
6.i can’t tell you____________(明确地)when i can finish the project.
7.copper____________(传导)electricity better than other materials do.
8.he____________(寻求)revenge(报复)against surkov for separating him from his wife and son.
9.she wanted to be the first woman to climb mount everest,and she almost____________(成功).
10.he had got prepared to take the____________(后果)of losing money when he decided to invest at the beginning.
11.although he researches cloning,his____________(intend) has been to create copies of humans.
12.after all,scientists have been challenging questions of ____________(moral)for centuries.
1.behaved 2.advocates 3.medical 4.seriously 5.carelessness 6.definitely 7.conducts 8.sought  9.succeeded 10.consequence 11.intention 12.morality
1.________________  一方面
2.________________  指出
3.________________  一般来说,总体而言
4.________________  义无反顾地进行,努力推进
5.________________  以……告终
6.________________  供出售,待销售
7.________________  用完,耗尽
8.________________  准备就绪,布置妥当
9.________________  想出,理解,明白;计算出,演算出
10.________________  几天前;那天
11.________________  对某人而言
12.________________  赞同,支持
13.________________  观点
14.________________  结果是,结果证明
1.on the one hand 2.point out 3.in general 4.push ahead with 5.end up 6.for sale 7.use up 8.put...in place 9.figure out 10.the other day 11.on one’s part 12.in favour of 13.point of view 14.turn out
1.(回归课本p58)________ ________that is best for nature is good for people.
2.(回归课本p58)most of the time________ ________ ________ ________humans are not really profiting when they damage the environment.
3.(回归课本p42)a recent announcement by scientists________they have successfully cloned the first human embryo has caused much debate...


Unit3 Scienceversusnature单元复习学案
