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Unit 1¡¡Festivals around the world (Period 3¡¡Learning about language: Grammar)

unit 1¡¡festivals around the world
period 3¡¡learning about language: grammar
this is the third teaching period of this unit. to test whether students have grasped the important and difficult language points they learned in the last period, the teacher should first offer them some revision exercises. then lead in the new lesson.
this teaching period mainly deals with the grammar: modal verbs¡ªthe use of can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, can¡¯t. students often feel modal verbs abstract and difficult, so it is necessary to make the lesson interesting and connect it with their daily life in order to make it easy to accept and understand. firstly, the teacher can ask students to read the reading passage festivals and celebrations again, tick out the sentences using modal verbs from the reading passage and translate them into chinese. secondly, compare and discover the uses of each modal verb by giving a lot of example sentences. thirdly, do the exercises in discovering useful structures on page 5 and more exercises for students to master the related modal verbs. finally, summarize the use of can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, can¡¯t.
at the end of the class, ask students to do the exercises in using structures on page 43 and additional exercises for consolidation.
get students to learn and master the use of can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, can¡¯t.
enable students to learn how to use some modal verbs correctly.
1. get students to know the characters of modal verbs.
2. let students learn the use of can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, can¡¯t.
enable students to use modal verbs correctly and properly according to the context.
1. get students to become interested in grammar learning.
2. develop students¡¯ sense of group cooperation.

¡ústep 1 revision
1. check the homework exercises.
2. dictate some new words and expressions.
¡ústep 2 leading-in by a guessing game
the teacher prepares some little gifts wrapped in paper and let students guess what the gifts are, who will be given the gifts and answer why they guess so. tell students they can use such modal verbs as may, must, can¡¯t, and so on.
the teacher may write some sentences on the blackboard according to what students say and explain how to use modal verbs to express speculation, possibility, etc.
suggested sentences:
1. it must be a toy. (speculation)
2. it may be a book about how to learn english. (possibility)



