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Module 2 No Drugs

module 2 no drugs
reading and vocabulary
teaching goals:    (1)get some information about taking drugs.
                (2) let the students keep off the drugs and value their lives. 
difficult points:     the words about drug use.
important points:    know the dangers of taking drugs.
teaching tools:      multiple media
teaching method:    inter-acting
teaching procedures:
step 1 lead in
    (on the screen)  show the students some pictures.
     picture1: a picture of a beautiful flower-----婴粟花
     picture2: a woman who is injecting sth.
     picture3: a man who is weak, thin and is dying.
     picture4 :a man who is being put into prison.
     picture5: a skeleton
  questions:(1) is the flower beautiful?
          (2) can you connect the beautiful flower with the ugly people?
    in fact, it is the production of the beautiful flower---cocaine that cause people to be like this. the flower is beautiful, but the people are miserable, so take no drugs. maybe the story about a drug addict can give us some warnings.        
step 2 comprehending the passage step by step.
   i.  learn some new words of the passage.(on the screen)        ( blood pressure, heart attack,  cocaine, addict......)
  ii.   fast reading 
     1. choose the topics of the articles
2 decide which parts the articles contain.
    article 1: a drug addict and his story. it contains part 2、3 5,6
article 2: the dangers of using cocaine. it contains part 1、4.
 iii .  careful reading
read and decide if the sentences are true or false.(on the screen)
1. cocaine can be smoked and injected.
2. people who inject cocaine are in more danger if they share needles.
3. cocaine makes your heart go more slowly.
4. the drug addict always has enough money to buy drugs.
5. sometimes the drug dealer can give him drugs without asking for money.
6. he was caught by the policeman when he stole for the first time.
7. now he is still addicted to cocaine.
 iv .  telling stories
1. ask two advanced students to tell their own stories.



