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Unit 2 English around the World

unit 2 english around the world
teaching aims and demands:
1. topic:
english language and its development; different kinds of english
2. vocabulary:
include, role, international, native, elevator, flat, apartment, rubber, petrol, gad, modern, however, culture, actually, present(adj.), rule(v.), vocabulary, usage, government, rapidly, candy, lorry, command, polite, request, boss, standard, midwestern, southern, eastern, southeastern, northwestern, spanish, recognize, accent, lightning, direction, ma’ma, block
3. useful expressions:
play a role in, because of, come up, such as, give a command, play a part
4. function: language difficulties in communication
i beg your pardon? i don’t understand.
could you say that again, please?
 sorry, i can’t follow you.
could you repeat that, please?
can you speak more slowly, please?
5. grammar: imperative sentences and its indirect speech
open the door. 
please open the door.
would you please open the door?
he told me to open the door.
warming up
teaching aim:
1. ss will be able to know some differences between british english and american english.
2. ss will be able to master some usages of the words and phrases.
teaching procedures:
step 1 lead-in (start with a free chat with ss about learning english.)
  t: how many years have you learnt english?
how many languages do we speak?
    what do you find difficult in learning english? (ss may have different ideas, but they may consider vocabulary as their most difficult one.)
    do you think it necessary for us ss to master such a foreign language?
    (---with the development of globalization, english has become an international tool for people to communicate with each other. and we are the future of our homeland, so it’s our duty to prosper our country; therefore, to master a foreign language becomes a necessity.)
in which countries is english used as the native language?
do you think the englishes spoken all around the world are all the same ?enjoy bbc and voa
step 2 discussion
     activity 1. ss discuss in groups about the differences between british english and american english, and give some examples.
activity 2. ss guess which of the following words is british english and which is american english:
 apartment/flat     bathroom/toilet     can/tin        candy/sweet   
check/banknote (cheque)   elevator/lift    fall/autumn  game/match    line/queue     penal /pen friend       mad/angry       mail/ post  



