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unit3 listening and multiple choice(英语周报)

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unit3 listening and multiple choice(英语周报)


unit3 listening and multiple choice(英语周报)




1.      to improve the students listening ability

2.      learn the different sayings of some words.

3.  to develop the skills to communicate withthe other person.


develop the ss’ listening ability by understanding andlistenning

develop the ss’ conprehesion


how to master the skill of doing reading


一:greating and leading-in:(1分钟)

 great everyone asusual

二:free topic(2分钟)

    a student give a free topic then,another studentcomment it on


     (paly the tape)



(text 3)

m: i’m feeling sick right now, as if there were many pinseverywhere in my body.

w: maybe you’d better see a doctor.

 (text 4)

w: i hardly go shopping by car now. the shopping center iswithin walking distance.

m: well, you’re lucky. from my apartment, the nearest store isabout two miles away.

 (text 5)

w: i don’t know what to wear to the party. my clothes look soold. and i don’t have money to buy new clothes.

m: why don’t you wear the black silk dress? you look very nicein it.

w: really? you must be joking. i haven’t worn it for manyyears.。

(text 6)

m: so, have you heard the news?

w: no, what’s up?

m: i just heard that the company is planning to fire 20 percentof the workers in the next two months.

w: you’re joking. i knew they were looking for some way to cutcosts this season, but i didn’t think that they would fire anyworkers.

m: yeah, it’s hard to believe. that’ll be hundreds of peoplelosing their jobs. it’s not just the salary. you know, i hope it’snot going to be mike. with three kids and a wife who’s sick, thatwould really be a blow.

w: when will we know who is getting fired?

m: i don’t know if we’ll get any warning. if i hear anythingelse, i’ll let you know.

w: thanks. i’ll do the same.

 (text 7)

(text 8)

w: we’d like some information, please. we want to go tospain.

m: ok. what do you want to know?

w: first of all, we want to know the price of the ticket tomadrid.

m: when do you want to go?

w: we don’t really know. in june or maybe in july.

m: i see. well, in may and june the price is $ 480. but it’sless in march and april.

w: and what about july?

m: it’s more in july.

w: more? how much is it then?

m: it’s $525.

 (text 9)

m: hi, is this where i can get information on tours?

w: yes, i can help you with that. what type of tour are youthinking about? there are some great city tours that are one-day ortwo-day overnight trips.



unit3 listening and multiple choice(英语周报)
